FOR SALE AMB Mylaps non subscription transponder #1293430
Suitable for kart, car, sprintcar, motorcyle racing. Not suitable for motocross.
No subscription required, unlimited use.
Kit includes
- 1 used AMB TranX3 260 Classic transponder, new battery
- 1 used like new charging cradle
- 1 new power pack
- 1 year warranty
PRICE $480AUD includes express post within Australia
To order please contact me via
or txt 0418 783 201 quoting the number of the transponder you want
FOR SALE AMB Mylaps non subscription transponder #789272
Suitable for kart, car, sprintcar, motorcyle racing. Not suitable for motocross.
No subscription required, unlimited use.
Kit includes
- 1 used AMB TranX2.1 260 Classic transponder, new battery
- 1 new charging cradle
- 1 new power pack
- 1 year warranty
PRICE $400AUD includes express post within Australia
To order please contact me via
or txt 0418 783 201 quoting the number of the transponder you want
FOR SALE AMB Mylaps non subscription transponder #1195936
Suitable for kart, car, sprintcar, motorcyle racing. Not suitable for motocross.
No subscription required, unlimited use.
Kit includes
- 1 used AMB TranX2.1 260 Classic transponder, new battery
- 1 new charging cradle
- 1 new power pack
- 1 year warranty
PRICE $400AUD includes express post within Australia
To order please contact me via
or txt 0418 783 201 quoting the number of the transponder you want
Info about where to buy transponders
Below is some general info about some transponders and where to buy them
TranX3 MX AMB Mylaps Classic racing transponder
These types are only available 2nd hand.
The new replacement for these are the TR2 by Mylaps available from some racer supply stores and the Mylaps Speedhive online shop
KART transponder types explained
TranX2 AMB Classic racing transponder
These types are only available 2nd hand.
The new replacement for these are the TR2 by Mylaps available from some racer supply stores and the Mylaps Speedhive online shop
KART transponder types explained
AMB130 AMB TranX140 Mylaps transponder for hire karts
New version is available from Mylaps which is called a Kart Fixed Power transponder. Look exactly the same as the red ones pictured here. They are not listed on any Mylaps websites, but can be ordered from Mylaps by phoning or from some selected sellers like Kloft Timing in Germany.
Click here for the Mylaps worldwide phone numbers
Mylaps RC4 transponder for model car racing
Available from some racer supply stores and the Mylaps Speedhive online shop