AMB Mylaps transponder not charging, light not flashing, battery dead? It can be restored to working order and fully tested for as little as $50USD $70AUD with 1 year warranty
Trusted since 1999
2 days for most jobs
Comprehensive testing
1 year warranty, no fix no pay
No risk, only pay AFTER repair
Rechargeable Classic AMB Mylaps racing transponder repair battery replacement
AMB Mylaps transponder not charging, light not flashing, battery dead. It can be restored quickly to working order and fully tested for as little as $50USD $70AUD by the experts est 1999
These racing transonders are mainly used in car, motorcycle, kart and motocross racing.
AMB Mylaps Transponder battery replacement
NEW low price $70AUD was $90AUD
about $50US €43 £36
Other repairs
Replace charging pin $40AU
LED light replacement $50AU
Minor case patch/repairs from $15AU
Black base plate replacement $45AU
Case replacement: A good new or used case can be fitted from $45AU.
KART transponder types explained
AMB130 AMB140 Mylaps Kart Transponder Servicing & Repair
This transponder uses a long life non rechargeable battery which wears out. I can fit a new battery, fully test it and re-seal transponder so it is weather proof like new.
AMB Mylaps Kart transponder Battery replacement
NEW low price $70AUD was $79AUD
about $50US €43 £36
Case is replaced at time of battery replacement at no extra cost
Fully re-sealed and water proof after battery replacement
Other repairs
Restore/replace bracket $35AU
Looking to buy extra Kart transponders
Australians try Mylaps or for possibly better prices BizKarts UK
Mylaps FLEX, X2, TR2, Prochip flex subscription type transponders
These have a lifetime warranty by Mylaps, so you should contact Mylaps.
Click here for the Mylaps support page phone numbers
The FLEX looks the same as the Classic TranX3 but has a WHITE base & label instead of a BLACK base & label.
In many cases your FLEX or X2 will have stopped working because the subscription has expired and you will need to renew via your Mylaps account.
We do service the BLACK base type, see above.
AMBrc & AMB20 model car & kart transponder repair
AMBrc & AMB20 Battery replacement $39AUD
ChipX Prochip transponder repair
Battery replacement $70AUD
Fully re-sealed and water proof after battery replacement
AMBrc DP and Mylaps RC4
$35AUD (about $27USD) for lead and plug replacement service
The wire can get broken were it enters the transponder body.
We fit a new lead and plug as required. Connection is internal.
DO NOT send transponder in plain paper envelope as it will get torn open in transit and get lost.
If you want to have a crack at fixing it yourself see my Youtube video
AMB Mylaps TranX DP transponder cable repair
$55AU for power cable repair ONLY
*** DO NOT SEND TRANSPONDER until you read the following***
If the light comes on and no signal is detected by the timing system we CANNOT repair the transponder.
Only service available for TranX DP transponders is repair or replacement of broken power lead.
Sometimes the wires break inside the cable without showing external damage. Common for this to occur at entry point to transponder.
If lead is cut or broken completely off we can refit the lead or replace it.
Lead connection is made inside transponder so it is repaired correctly and is NOT a splice on job.
If you still have the cut off lead please send it with the transponder as it can be reused.
In some transponders the LED light fails to work but the transponder still works OK
To test for this apply power to the transponder and place an AM radio tuned off-station near the transponder.
If noise is heard more near the transponder then this confirms the transponder is producing a signal.
However we recommend you have a race venue confirm the transponder signal is fully readable before using in racing.
The LED light can be replaced but we recommend not doing so because it is expensive and not really required for the transponder operation.
Transponder repair - CAL X pro
Battery replacement $45AU
Chronelec Tag Heuer transponder - all colours
$75AU for Chronelec transponder battery replacement
Remplacement de batterie de transpondeurs Chronelec
Green Protime Elite, Blue Protime Elite, Orange Protime Elite 2006, Black Protime Elite
AMB transponder repair - Cyclip
$45AU for transponder battery replacement
Fully re-sealed and water proof after battery replacement
AMB transponder repair - Activ
$55AU for transponder battery replacement
Fully re-sealed and water proof after battery replacement
Dorian Data 1 transmitter battery replacement and repair
We DO NOT repair Dorian transponders
Contact Dorian Industries for repair service and purchases.
Click here to goto Dorian web site